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Student Affairs


(440) 826-2111, (440) 826-3020 (fax)

Campus Location

Bonds Hall, Room 110
275 Eastland Rd.
Berea, OH 44017-2088

Office Hours

Academic Year: Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

About Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is here to assist you in becoming active members of the Baldwin Wallace community. We invite you to take full advantage of the University's numerous opportunities for leadership development, personal counseling, academic achievement through experiential learning and personal growth.

One of the best ways to get the most out of your college experience is to become involved in the activities and organizations that Baldwin Wallace has to offer. You will learn many things, develop professional skills and create lifelong friendships. Becoming involved is the key to enhancing your academic experience.

Student Handbook

Student conduct policies and other important information for students is available in the student handbook.

Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures

The Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedures clarify the University's specific standards prohibiting discrimination and discriminatory harassment.

Training for Title IX Officers and Investigators

BW Dean of Students Léna Crain provides ongoing training for Title IX Officers and Investigators. Please see the training materials used below.

2020 Regulations Requirement: Posting of Training Materials

Hazing Policy

All forms of hazing, on or off campus, by any individual student, or Baldwin Wallace University registered student club or organization, faculty or staff, or any of its members or alumni are prohibited. Learn more.


Léna Crain, Ph.D.
Dean of Students