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Safety and Security


Call 911 or (440) 826-2000 (Campus Safety and Security emergency line)

Non-Emergency Contact

(440) 826-2336

Office Hours

Open 24 hours per day / 7 days a week

Campus Location

Tudor House
296 Beech St.
Berea, OH 44017-2088

Annual Security Reports

Annual Fire Safety Reports

Campus Safety

According to FBI statistics, Baldwin Wallace has one of the safest campuses in Ohio. The health and safety of our campus community is a top priority at BW, and we are committed to maintaining a safe campus environment for learning and living. We have a close relationship with the Berea Police Department and other local safety services.

A number of systems are in place to make certain students are as safe as possible:

  • RAVE Alerts provide information regarding severe weather, building and campus closures and other important situations. Text alerts are automatically sent to all students who have provided a cell number to the University. In addition, students receive email alerts and alerts are posted on campus displays, computer monitors and on Family members interested in receiving text alerts can sign up at
  • Campus Safety and Security is staffed 24/7. Walking escorts for students are available on request.
  • Blue Light emergency phones can be found at the following locations:
    • Dietsh Hall, 66 Seminary St.: East side of building
    • Hamilton House Apartments, 381 Front St.: West side of building
    • Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) Building, 325 Front St.: North side of building 
    • Kleist Center for Art and Drama, 95 E. Bagley Rd.: in parking lot at Northeast corner of building
  • Each residence hall has a phone near the entrance doors from which calls can be made to report suspicious activity as well as to request an escort or other assistance.
  • In addition, Safety and Security provides services for room and vehicle lock outs, battery jumps and after-hours maintenance emergencies.